Why choose DirectMXBuilt on Barracuda™DirectMX employs the award winning Barracuda Spam & Firewall platform to deliver efficient, scalable, and affordable email protection to your inbox. Barracuda's twelve-layer email protection architecture guarantees the ultimate in email protection. Ran on the CloudDirectMX is ran exclusively on Data102's VPSDirect platform, built on the powerful Citrix XenServer virtualization engine. DirectMX runs on our own in-house cloud of servers, with automatic failover and redundancy to make sure your email never misses a beat. FeaturesDirectMX has a cornucopia of features. Here are the highlights.
We're LocalDirectMX is founded and operated right here in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Being in the front range provides a tremendous amount of benefits, but the most important one is community. We love being here in the rockies, and we love protecting your email. Win win. |